Kabul Mayor Message

This is demo text for testing of this area temporary by bashir noori This is demo text for testing of this area temporary by bashir noori demo text for testing of this area temporary by bashir noori demo text for testing of this area temporary by bashir noori demo text for testing of this area temporary by bashir noori ...


Kabul Weather

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Kabul Prayer Times

اذان صبح 04:56 AM
طلوع آفتاب 06:15 AM
اذان ظهر 12:05 PM
اذان عصر 03:25 PM
اذان مغرب 05:55 PM
اذان عشاء 07:10 PM

Exchange Rate

1 USD 67.50 AFN
1 Euro 90.50 AFN
1 Darham 71.50 AFN
100 Toman 18.50 AFN
100 PRS 613.00 AFN
100 INR 960.00 AFN

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