وضعیت هوای کابل

لیست پرواز ها

اوقات شرعی کابل

اذان صبح 3:30 ق-ظ
طلوع آفتاب 4:41 ق-ظ
اذان ظهر 1:00 ب-ظ
اذان عصر 4:50 ب-ظ
اذان مغرب 7:15 ب-ظ
اذان خفتن 8:45 ب-ظ

نرخ اسعار امروز

1 دالر 71.09 افغانی
1 یورو 76.24 افغانی
1 درهم 19.33 افغانی
1 تومان 1.200 افغانی
1 کلدار 255 افغانی
1 هندی 820.50 افغانی

روزنامه های کابل

bids submission for Upgrading Infrastructure of Kolula Pushta Gozar, Dis. 4 Kabul City

17 ثور 1398

Subject: Revision on deadline of bids submission for Upgrading Infrastructure of Kolula Pushta Gozar, Dis. 4 Kabul City, Contract Package No# KMDP/W-98/U

Date: May 05, 2019

Due to declaration of holiday on deadline of bids submission for the subject contract package, the following changes made to deadline for submission of bids in the bidding documents and as follow:


Clause No


Amended As

ITB 20.2


The warning should read “ DO NOT OPEN BEFORE:


May 05, 2019 TIME: 10:00 AM, Afghanistan Local time.


The warning should read “ DO NOT OPEN BEFORE:


May 09, 2019 TIME: 11:00 AM, Afghanistan Local time.

ITB 21.1

The deadline for submission of bids shall be:


May 05, 2019 TIME: 10:00 AM, Afghanistan Local time.

In case the deadline date of bid submission is declared a holiday for the employer, the bids may be submitted up to the specified time on the next working day


The deadline for submission of bids shall be:


May 09, 2019 TIME: 11:00 AM, Afghanistan Local time.

In case the deadline date of bid submission is declared a holiday for the employer, the bids may be submitted up to the specified time on the next working day


All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.

Kabul Municipal Development Program “KMDP”, Kabul Municipality “KM”