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نرخ اسعار امروز

1 دالر 70.40 افغانی
1 یورو 74.84 افغانی
1 درهم 18.12 افغانی
1 تومان 0.980 افغانی
1 کلدار 241 افغانی
1 هندی 830.50 افغانی

روزنامه های کابل

Hiring of consulting firm for Strengthening Financial Management System in Kabul Municipality

14 قوس 1398

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Administrative Office of the President

National Procurement Authority

د ملي تدارکاتو اداره




Country: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 

Assignment Title: Hiring of consulting firm for Strengthening Financial Management System in Kabul Municipality

Duration of Assignment: 11 months 

Implementing Agency: Kabul Municipality

Duty Station:  Kabul 

Reference No: NPA/KM/98/CS-2774/QBS 23-Nov-2019                          

Amendment: #3

(i)  [Qualification Requirements/Short listing Criteria bullet (2) as following:


Original requirements

Revised requirements



Having Revenue of US$ 5 Million per year for the past 3 years and have at least one completed contract of over US$ 1 million over the past 5 years.

Having annual turnover of minimum USD 2 million for each year for the last three years and have at least completed one contract of minimum value of USD 1 million over the past five years


(ii)              [As part of the EOI, the firm shall submit the following documents bullet (4) as following:



Original requirements

Revised requirements



Copies of at least two contracts valuing $ 1 million or above completed by the firm during the past 5 years and a document issued by the client certifying successful completion of contract.

Copy of at least one contract with a  minimum value of US$ 1 million completed by the firm during the past 5 years and a document issued by the client certifying successful completion of contract.



Original requirements

Revised requirements


Submission of EOI

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, by mail, or by e-mail) 11, Dec 2019, 14:00 Hrs. (Kabul Local Time). For convenience, the EOIs submitted by the consultants should preferably not exceed 40 pages.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, by mail, or by e-mail) 20, Dec 2019, 14:00 Hrs. (Kabul Local Time). For convenience, the EOIs submitted by the consultants should preferably not exceed 40 pages.



1.Despite significant economic and social progress over the last decade, Afghanistan faces formidable medium to long-term development challenges. An average of 9.4 per cent annual economic growth over 2003-2012, driven mainly by investments in reconstruction and aid flows, has fuelled the services sector. Periodic surges in agricultural production helped raise GDP per-capita from $186 in 2002 to $688 in 2012. Per capita GDP, however, is still the lowest in Asia and amongst the lowest 20 countries of the world. Key social indicators have also improved, but poverty levels are high. According to the poverty status report (world Bank 2010) 36 per cent of the population lives below the national poverty line and over fifty per cent are considered vulnerable. 

2.Afghanistan’s urban population has grown rapidly due to an influx of returning refugees, conflict, and drought-induced migration, and by 2050 the urban population is expected to be over 40 per cent (United Nations World population prospectus, 2010). The relatively high urban population growth rate of 3.7 per cent is higher than the national population growth rate of 2.4 percent. Six cities account for one fifth of Afghanistan’s total population: Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad and Kunduz. Central Statistics Office reports that during 2002-2013, over two million refugees, or 46% of the refugee returnee population, have returned to urban areas - 36% to Kabul (UNHCR). Consequently, social, economic and political stability require urgent attention to inclusive urban development.

3.Kabul, already home to over half of Afghanistan’s urban population and still growing, faces significant infrastructure and service delivery deficiencies. Originally planned for less than one million people, Kabul now ranks 86th among the world’s largest agglomerations (World population prospectus). Its population has doubled since 2004 and was estimated to be over 4 million in 2012. About 70 per cent of Kabul’s population is estimated to live in informal or unplanned settlements without access to basic services. This informality deprives Kabul Municipality (KM) of revenues leaving insufficient resources for the capital investments. Expanding both coverage and quality of service delivery to such a large and growing unserved population requires substantial investment on both capital and recurrent expenditure and for KM to move towards greater financial self-reliance. 

2.Objective of the Assignment

i.Development of knowledge products for financial management – Rules, Regulations Manuals, Chart of Accounts, Training modules.

ii.Development of a competency framework for financial management department including revenue directorate and internal audit department of KM.

iii.Provision of onsite coaching and offsite trainings to operational the rules and knowledge products.

iv.To augment the professional expertise in financial management, design and implement international professional development program.

v.To develop a Case Management Systems (CMS) to monitor the progress on cases and complaints filed by the citizens.

vi.Development of an IT strategy to support the needs and long-term objectives of the Kabul municipality

vii.Development of Documents management software to scan, share, organize and archive KM documents

viii.Modern design of KM Website, development of databank of KM fiscal and financial data and hoisting of financial performance on KM website.

3.Scope of Services

1.Literature review (Law, Rules, Manuals, Reports)

2.System and capacity gap analysis to establish the factual position of existing financial rules, SOPs, manuals etc. The detailed gap assessment in terms of the quality of these tools will take place in the design phase

3 Focus group discussions and surveys to determine the systems required and the existing   capacity gaps

4.  Preparation of report including the development of work plan and risk management plan

5.  Presentation to KM and World Bank

6. Functional and Technical Specification of the Case Management System (CMS) and the Document Management System (DMS)

7.  Specifications of the hardware and software required for CMS

8.Review of the existing IT systems, infrastructure and capacity 

9.Carry out IT need assessment including the identification of technical capabilities

10.Proposal for design of the KMDP website based on analysis.  

For further information on the scope of the services, you can access the ToR under the above mentioned assignment title and reference number on the website: www.ageops.net

4.Qualification Requirements/Short listing Criteria:

KM is seeking services of a consulting firm registered as a legal entity meeting following requirements:

a)Internationally recognized firm or having international affiliation with a leading global with demonstrated experience of working in region over the past 3 years. For CMS development and implementation, the firm may associate with a software house or IT firm as a sub-consultant. 

b)Having Revenue of US$ 5 Million per year for the past 3 years and have at least one completed contract of over US$ 1 million over the past 5 years. 

c)Sound financial standing and a positive net worth over the last 3 years.

d)Prior experience of working extensively with the public sector and the development partners and experience of PFM diagnostics, capacity building and e-governance knowledge in Afghanistan and or in the region. 

4.As part of the EOI, the firm shall submit the following documents: 

a)Copy of the certificate of Incorporation issued by relevant authority in country of establishment).

b)Audited financial statements for the last three years (2015, 2016 and 2017).

c)Copies of at least two contracts valuing $ 1 million or above completed by the firm during the past 5 years and a document issued by the client certifying successful completion of contract. 

d)Details of assignment(s) for similar nature including details as to how the executed assignment(s) were similar in nature to the current assignment. The exact role played by the Firm in the assignment including with other firms as JV or in sub-consultant.  

e)Eligibility requirements in compliance with paragraphs 3.21, 3.22, & 3.23 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, Procurement In investment Projects Financing, Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services July 2016. The consultants should also provide a copy of the certification of incorporation/business license and should have been in business for the last 8 years. 

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, Procurement In investment Projects Financing, Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services July 2016, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.  In addition, please refer to the following information on conflict of interest related to this assignment as per paragraph 3.16 and 3.17 of World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers available at www.worldbank.org .

5.Method of Selection

A consultant will be selected though Quality Based Selection (QBS) in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, Procurement in investment Projects Financing, Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018.

6.Submission of EOI

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, by mail, or by e-mail) December 11, 2019, 14:00 Hrs. (Kabul Local Time). For convenience, the EOIs submitted by the consultants should preferably not exceed 40 pages. 

Further information in respect to this REOI can be obtained at the address below by email or in person during office hours [08:30-03:30 Hours].

For the purpose of clarifications, the address is as follows: 

Attention:  Nasruddin Nouri

Procurement Specialist (Directorate of Projects Analysis and Programs Development (PAPD))

National Procurement Authority (NPA), AOP

Pashtunestan Wat, Kabul, Afghanistan 

Phone Number: +93(0)202147554 

Email: ahmad.shinwari@npa.gov.af ,copied to aziz.obaidi@npa.gov.af  , nangialai.barakzai@gmail.com ,  & wais.rahimi@npa.gov.af 

For submission of EOI, the address is:

Attention: Safiullah Alokozai

Procurement Liaison Specialist| Evaluation Facilitation Secretariat |Deputy Operation & Resources|

Address: National Procurement Authority (NPA) Administrative Office of the President (AOP), Pashtunestan Wat, Kabul, Afghanistan | Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Office PH NO: +93 (0) 20-214-7488| + (93) 791 045 505

Email: safiullah.alokozai@npa.gov.af, copied to: ahmad.shinwari@npa.gov.af aziz.obaidi@npa.gov.af  , nangialai.barakzai@gmail.com ,  & wais.rahimi@npa.gov.af

(The ToR and REOI is accessible through direct link: www.ageops.net)